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Conservation’s European Butterflies Group [previously known as European
Interests Group (EIG)] promotes the enjoyment, conservation and study
butterflies, moths and their habitats in Europe. European Butterflies
Group aims to
build up contacts with partners in Europe and provide opportunities for
self-funded volunteers to do useful survey work on butterflies in
European Butterflies Group organises occasional group trips to Europe for members to do surveys in an expedition organised by a leader. This is an opportunity for members to improve their butterfly ID skills. These European Butterflies Group Trips are subject to strict procedures in order not to fall foul of the “Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992” and to ensure best practice as regards health and safety and the field recording of butterflies. Click here for full details of European Butterflies Group Trips. European Butterflies Group currently has almost 700 members and organises the occasional meeting in the UK and an annual AGM and members day. History European Butterflies Group was established in 2006. Following the creation of Butterfly Conservation Europe, an interests group was set up to coordinate and promote relevant activities across Europe. BC created an additional branch - the European Interests Group (EIG) to bring together those members of Butterfly Conservation interested in European butterflies. The Group name was changed to European Butterflies Group in 2017. Mandate
Membership of European Butterflies Group is only open to Members of Butterfly Conservation. European Butterflies Group is essentially a Branch of Butterfly Conservation and as such an additional subscription of 10 is payable at the time of a member's normal subscription renewal. Subscriptions, both existing Butterfly Conservation ones and European Butterflies Group, must be paid by Direct Debit - this is required in order to minimise the running costs of European Butterflies Group. To join, please download the application form and return by post to Butterfly Conservation. For people who are resident in Europe and do not have a local BC Branch they can have European Butterflies Group as their local branch if they join Butterfly Conservation in which case they do not need to pay the additional 10. All European Butterflies Group correspondence is by email. European Butterflies Group produces 2 newsletters a year which are emailed free of charge to members. Below are links to all the newsletters. See here for an index of Newsletter contents. See here for a list of Book Reviews & Extracts European Butterflies
Group Newsletters
European Butterflies Group promotes the study of European butterflies by offering annual European Butterflies Group research bursaries (normally of €600) to assist with travel and other expenses. See here for more information. The closing date for applications in 2025 is 19th April. In 2024 a bursary was awarded to Mario Alamo del Olmo from the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid to study the Chazara prieuri populations of the Iberian Peninsula. His paper is entitled 'The abundance and current status of Chazara prieuri populations in the northeastern Iberian Peninsula.' Due to the sensitive nature of the information contained in the report it is not available for consultation on the website. Please contact Mike Prentice if you wish to read the report. Three bursaries were awarded in 2022 to Emily Boig, to Guim Ursul Colom , and to Claudia Pla-Narbona Leon. See here for Emily's report: 'Ideal
habitat for the marsh fritillary Euphydryas
aurinia (Rottemburg, 1775) in Sheskinmore Nature Reserve,
County Donegal'
See here for for Guim's
report: 'Butterflies of Gredos (Spain)'
(Gredos mountain range is located in Central Spain in Castilla y Le n) See here for for Claudia's report: 'Mapping the occurrence of the rare Twin-spot fritillary (Brenthis
hecate) in North-East Spain'
EBG awarded a bursary to Juan Pablo Cancela, a student from Lisbon university who was conducting research into the butterflies of the Sistema Iberico in Spain. Juan Pablo’s research trips were interrupted by Covid in 2020 but he managed to complete the fieldwork in 2021. See here for Juan Pablo's interesting report on his findings. Click here for a list of surveys undertaken by members of the European Butterflies Group from 2007-2024 EBG Threatened Species Surveys 2007 - 2024 Map : ![]() European Butterflies Group Rules European Butterflies Group A Code of Practice for Butterfly Recording and Photography in Europe European Butterflies Group Trips – Best practice and legal requirements European Butterflies Group Generic Risk Assessment for field work in Europe
European Butterflies Group is part of Butterfly Conservation and the information provided here applies to the use of the european-butterflies.org.uk web site. The european-butterflies.org.uk website does not make use of cookies. |
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