Recording - making the most of your data
conserve butterflies effectively we need to have good information on
distributions and trends in abundance. However outside parts of western
and northwestern
Europe such data is sparse. Sam Ellis, Chair Butterfly Conservation Europe, has written a comprehensive
review on how to make the most of your
butterfly recording and monitoring data in Europe: European Butterfly Recording and Monitoring
half of European countries have butterfly recording schemes. EBG has
developed links with ten such schemes. Downloadable spreadsheets with
country-specific species lists and a named EBG contact to whom you can
submit your data are available for: Bulgaria, Cyprus, France, Germany,
Greece, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Sweden. Where these exist, we encourage
everyone to use EBG country-specific spreadsheets to submit their
European butterfly records.
Identification Guides
The following
guides provide help with the identification of European butterfly
species and are free to download.
Identification Guide to the Polyommatinae Group of ‘Blues’ and ‘Arguses’ in Europe
Part 1: The Commoner Species
The English terms ‘Blues’ and ‘Argus’ are generally
applied to a group of butterflies which are in many instances
immediately recognisable by their colour and generally small size. This
is the Polyommatinae group of Lycaenidae. In Europe this group
consists of c.90 species, many of which are very local in their
distribution. To simplify the identification process by allowing the
creation of a workable Key this guide covers in detail those species
which are relatively widespread and most likely to be encountered.
Information about the remaining ‘Local Species’ which might confuse is
included but these will be dealt with fully in Part 2. This is a
difficult group and this new approach will hopefully improve your skill
at identifying the ‘Blues’.
Identification Guide to the
Pyrgus Group of Grizzled Skippers
The Pyrgus Group of Grizzled Skippers in
Europe consists of
sixteen species which are some of the most difficult and confusing to
identify. They are problematic because they are all very similar and
the key identifying features are often quite obscure. It is often the
case that one mark alone is not sufficient, and a combination of marks
is necessary for a ‘confident’ identification. This in-depth guide
provides all the necessary guidance to find these identifying features
on your butterfly including a preliminary identification key and
detailed descriptions and comparisons of all sixteen species.
Identification Guide to the
European Fritillaries
comprehensive guide provides an easy to understand, accurate method for
identifying European Fritillaries; from deciding to which family your
butterfly belongs through to species identification. The
is a compromise between a yes/no key and a descriptive list of species,
using a process of comparison and elimination. Scientific
are avoided whenever possible. The guide content concentrates on the
characteristics that are diagnostic and limits the information on other
features to what might be useful for identification. This guide
incorporates the four fritillary guides below which are available for
download separately.
(note - large file size - 66mb)
Large and Medium Fritillaries
This guide helps to first distinguish the Large and Medium sized
fritillaries [Argynnis,
Brenthis, Fabriciana, Issoria, Speyeria] from the Small
fritillaries [Boloria,
Euphydryas, Melitaea]
and then provides an identification process down to species level. All
eleven species occurring in Europe are described with detailed
comparisons of the fritillaries which frequently cause confusion.
: high resolution (large file size - 16mb)
or low
resolution (small file size - 4mb)
Small Fritillaries: 1. Boloria
This guide to Boloria
species is one of three covering the Small Fritillaries. Guidance is
provided on separating Boloria
from the other Small fritillaries [Euphydryas,
Melitaea] and the Large and Medium group [Argynnis, Brenthis, Fabriciana,
Issoria, Speyeria]. All fifteen Boloria species are
covered including difficult identifications such as distinguishing
Shepherd's Fritillary [Boloria
pales] from Mountain Fritillary [Boloria napaea].
: high resolution (large file size - 22mb)
or low
resolution (small file size - 6mb)
Small Fritillaries: 2. Euphydryas
The six species of Euphydryas
are illustrated in this guide which is one of three covering the Small
Fritillaries. Guidance is provided on separating Euphydryas from the
other Small fritillaries [Boloria,
Melitaea] and the Large and Medium group [Argynnis, Brenthis, Fabriciana,
Issoria, Speyeria]. There is detailed coverage of the
difficult forms and subspecies which can frequently cause confusion in
(11mb) |
Small Fritillaries: 3. Melitaea
This is the last of
the three guides covering the Small Fritillaries. Melitaea now
includes the old sub-group of Mellicta
which traditionally posed the greatest identification problems for
European butterfly recorders. This guide provides many new and
traditional observations to help with distinguishing amongst this very
variable and challenging group of fritillaries. Many Melitaea can only
be positively identified by examining the male genitalia. A guide to
this technique will be available in due course.
: high resolution (large file size - 18mb)
or low
resolution (small file size - 5mb) |
Whites: Pieris
complete guide to identifying all the European Pieris with notes on
spring and summer broods plus how to differentiate from other similar
genera (Aporia,
Anthocharis, Euchloe and Pontia). The
following species are covered : Large White [Pieris brassicae],
Small White [Pieris rapae],
Green-veined White [Pieris
napi], Southern Small White [Pieris mannii],
Mountain Small White [Pieris
ergane], Kreuper’s Small White [Pieris kreuperi],
Mountain Green-veined White [Pieris
bryoniae], Balkan Green-veined White [Pieris balcana]
Brimstones: Gonepteryx
There is sometimes confusion between the following three species:
Brimstone [Gonepteryx
rhamni], Powdered Brimstone [Gonepteryx farinosa]
and Cleopatra [Gonepteryx
cleopatra]. This short guide highlights the differences
between them. Distribution Maps are included to help with
Many thanks to Bill Raymond for designing the ID guides above.
to Bernard Watts for information and photographs, to Matt Rowlings,
Roger Gibbons, Nick Greatorex-Davies, David Moore and Vincent Baudraz
photographs and to Richard Lewington for the use of his illustrations.
Thanks also to LepiDiv for permitting the use of their distribution
Copyright Butterfly Conservation: These guides are made available for
private use only. Any form of commercial usage is forbidden.
Identification Service
of European Butterfly Species
Download :
EuropeanButterflies.xls (89kb)
The list of 454 species on the first spreadsheet comprises species
found in Europe up to the eastern boundary of the European Union. It
includes Cyprus, the Canary Islands, Madeira, and the Azores. A further
42 species which only occur east of the European Union (in Russia, etc)
are listed separately on the second spreadsheet.
The list follows the updated checklist of European Butterflies which
was published on 31 December 2018 in the journal ZooKeys and can be
accessed as follows:
The updated checklist was compiled by an international committee of
taxonomic experts which comprised Martin Wiemers (corresponding
author), Emilio Balletto, Vlad Dinca, Zdenek Fric, Gerardo Lamas,
Vladimir Lukhtanov, Miguel Munguira, Chris van Swaay, Roger Vila,
Albert Vliegenthart, Niklas Wahlberg, and Rudi Verovnik.
It is
the same piece of work as the checklist published in the EIG
Anniversary Magazine in May 2017 (which was an advanced draft of the
committee’s conclusions) but with a few updates and corrections, the
main ones being as follows.
Main changes
timfristos is added as a new species. This is an
Anomalous Blue from the Timfristos and Parnassos mountains in central
eleniae (Phalakron Anomalous Blue) is now considered
conspecific with Polyommatus
orphicus (Kolev’s Anomalous Blue).
The split of Euphydryas
beckeri (Iberian Marsh Fritillary) from Euphydryas
aurinia (Marsh Fritillary) is dropped.
(Danaid Eggfly) is added to the list. This tropical species
been recorded and is possibly breeding in the Canary Islands, and has
been recorded in Madeira.
wollastoni (Madeiran Large White) is now classified as
The scientific name of the recently split Southern Heath Fritillary is
corrected from Melitaea
nevadensis to Melitaea
aglaja (Dark Green Fritillary) is now Speyeria
niobe (Niobe Fritillary), Argynnis elisa
(Corsican Fritillary) and Argynnis
adippe (High Brown Fritillary) become Fabriciana
niobe, Fabriciana
elisa and Fabriciana
Nevada Grayling becomes Pseudochazara
 Butterflies of
the Iberian Peninsula by Paul R. G. Browning
Browning's book 'Butterflies of the Iberian Peninsula' was first
published in 2011. It filled a particular gap in the market and proved
to be a very useful guide. The limited print run sold out quickly and
now the book is out of print.
The revised edition available
here contains a lot of information which was not included in the
original version. The text is comprehensive, accurate and
a wealth of information on the butterflies of Spain and
Paul would like EBG members to have access to this information
and has very kindly let us provide this revised version of the
'Butterflies of the Iberian Peninsula' as a free resource on
European Butterflies Group website.
Please note the PDF file size of the book is 107mb and will take a
while to download on slow broadband. Download : Butterflies of the Iberian
Peninsula by Paul R. G. Browning
 A photographic
guide. Butterflies of Central Europe and Britain by Peter Gergely
This useful field
guide, produced by de Vlinderstichting (Dutch Butterfly Conservation)
is available to download as a free resource in pdf, see here. The guide includes 269
species occurring in Britain, Western and Central Europe.